Your IELTS Results – What Is An IELTS Test Report Form?

Over my many years of teaching IELTS in Singapore and other countries, I’ve received many questions regarding IELTS test scores and test report forms. I will address some of these common questions in the following article. An IELTS test report form is an official confirmation of your test scores. These reports are provided by the British council or IDP Education and they give an accurate indication of your current English language capabilities.

How Long Are Your Scores Valid For?

The scores from your test report form (TRF) are valid for two years from the date on which you took the test. This is because a person’s language ability may change with time depending on their circumstances. For example, if you haven’t spoken the language in a while, you might be a bit rusty when trying to have a conversation in English.

When Do The IELTS Test Results Become Available?

For paper-based tests, results are available online only after 13 days and a paper copy of the results will be mailed to you after 13 days. You can arrange for two copies to be mailed as well. Computer-delivered IELTS results are viewable online after 3 to 5 days from the test date and a paper copy of the results will also be mailed to you after 3 to 5 days. The fact that you get your test scores much faster than before is one of the major reasons why the computer-based test has become so popular.

If you have taken IELTS for UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) then you will only be able to view your results 13 days after your test.

How Can I Check My Test Results?

You can have a look at your IELTS test results online. The links to view your results will be provided by the test centre at which you took your test. Your IELTS result will remain available for 28 days.

To gain access to your online results you need to submit the following information:

  • Test date
  • Date of birth
  • Given name(s)
  • Family name or Surname

How Can Universities and Other Organisations That I Have Applied To Get My IELTS Test Scores?

When you register for the IELTS exam on the official website or in person at an official IELTS test centre, you will be given the opportunity to send 5 electronic test report forms to institutions of your choice. These institutions will automatically receive your results when they are available.  This can take up to two weeks for both the paper-based and the computer-delivered to Additionally, it is important to note that some organisations still require paper copies of your test report form and you can request your test centre to have these mailed at a small additional cost. The institutes you have chosen should receive your test scores about two weeks after you take the exam, and if there is any delay, you should check with your test centre for the reasons behind the delay.

How Can I Request Additional Test Report Forms?

If you have taken your IELTS tests and at a later point you would like your scores to be sent to an additional organisation, you can do so by contacting your test centre and request this to be done for a minimal fee of around $25 dollars. You can only get another test report form from the same test centre you took the exam. If that test centre is no longer operational, then you can make a special request to the Cambridge organisation. Once you have received a payment confirmation email, it will take around 5 days for your request to be processed.

Jonathan has been teaching students to prepare for the IELTS and PTE Exams for more than 10+ years. He's taught English to students in various countries in the world including Singapore, China, Australia, Canada and Colombia.