Which IELTS Preparation Books Are Endorsed By Cambridge?

Most students that are preparing for the IELTS exam for the first time, choose to go the self-study route. Although this does have its merits, it can be quite confusing for a new learner to understand where to begin, even if you are a native English speaker like many of us in Singapore Using an IELTS preparation book can eliminate this confusion by offering a set syllabus to cover in order to be ready to take the IELTS exam. In this article, we will take a look at some of the best IELTS Cambridge preparation books offered by Cambridge and how you use them effectively to study for the IELTS exam.

Why Should You Choose IELTS Books That Are Published By Cambridge?

The answer is quite obvious, the IELTS exam is prepared by Cambridge ESOL. They are best equipped to understand what students need to know in order to do well in the IELTS test. There are plenty of IELTS resources published by other reputable publishing houses, but no matter how well – connected they might be, their books on the IELTS exam will always be from an outside perspective. IELTS resources published by Cambridge University are authentic and they will give you an accurate idea about what the test entails and the true levels of difficulty. Below is a list of the IELTS Preparation books published by Cambridge University:

  • Cambridge IELTS book 1-15
  • Official Cambridge Guide
  • New Insight into IELTS

The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS (by Pauline Cullen and Vanessa Jakeman).

The book is an indispensable guide to both the Academic and General Training IELTS tests. It includes chapters which cover all four components (listening, reading, writing and speaking) separately. It also includes 8 full-length Academic practice tests and 2 full-length General Training practice tests.

Unlike any other IELTS guide, this book is the only officially recognized one and the practice tests for the books as well as the skills exercises are written by actual IELTS examiners.

The book’s introduction chapter explains all of the IELTS basics, including the difference between the Academic and General Training tests, as well as the types of questions you can expect to find in each component. The subsequent chapters go into great detail about the 4 test components and how to solve different types of questions for each section. Each part of the book has unique tips and advice on how to score well for that particular part of the exam.

New Insight into IELTS (Vanessa Jakeman)

It differs from other books in that it does not follow the typical layout of other IELTS coursebooks. This book is divided into 4 separate sections, one for each component. Each subsection deals with a particular skill that is needed to pass the exam. The subsections gradually increase in difficulty. The book also comes complete with audio CD and answer key as well as plenty of solid sample answers.

Cambridge IELTS Books 1-15

These Cambridge books provide 4 authentic practice tests developed by actual IELTS exam writers.

The book includes 4 complete IELTS tests along recording scripts and audio for the listening test, answer keys for the reading and listening components and model answers for the writing section of the exam. They are a useful tool when practising for the exam, but in no way should be considered as a textbook or coursebook. These tests should only be used to practice skills that you have learned from other IELTS resources or teachers. There are separate books for the IELTS Academic and General Training tests. So make sure that you purchase books that are for the module you have registered for.

Jonathan has been teaching students to prepare for the IELTS and PTE Exams for more than 10+ years. He's taught English to students in various countries in the world including Singapore, China, Australia, Canada and Colombia.